
Kelowna Real Estate Outlook and Update June 2012

Most Sales in May since 2007! Kelowna Market Update May was not a runaway month, but 11.7% of single family dwellings that were listed, sold. With 203 sales, it was the best May since 2007 which was 330 sales. It was still under the 20 year average for May which comes in at 220 sales […]

June 7, 2012


Surprising News: Kelowna Real Estate June 2012

June 7, 2012


People Happy at Their Work!

Thank you SO much for all your help in selling our home!! YOU ARE INDEED A GREAT TEAM! I will highly recommend you! Your photos, were “SUPER GOOD”, as was your TEAM SERVICE.  Thanks again! May the Lord continue to bless you and your family. KEEP HAPPY! It’s refreshing to find people HAPPY at their work. […]

May 21, 2012


23% Change in Market Segment

Apartment Sales on the Rise Kelowna Market Update Good news for Kelowna and area. April was a strong month for apartment style unit sales which were up 23.53% last month over previous year with 63 sales reported in 2012 vs 51 last year. Year-To-Date apartment sales are up 18.09% with 235 units sold this year […]

May 9, 2012


Million Dollar Market Kelowna Real Estate – The Krieg Family RE/MAX Kelowna

Wolf and Colin Krieg discuss the Kelowna real estate market in May 2012 and compare Kelowna’s Million Dollar plus real estate market to Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver.

May 8, 2012


April 2012 Kelowna Real Estate Market Update

April 12, 2012


Kelowna March Real Estate News

Market Showing Signs of Improvement Kelowna Market Update Best February in number of sales of single family homes in Kelowna since 2008. If we look back, we can see a lot of economic predictions about the real estate market. The negative forecasts have been predicting a 40% decline, or more, in house prices while the […]

March 9, 2012


Kelowna Mortgage and CMHC Housing Update

Kelowna Mortgage Update The Kelowna housing market is trending towards balanced market conditions. The market still favours the buyer with plenty of inventory on the market and home prices lower than where they were a year ago. But the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) is predicting total housing starts in Kelowna to slightly increase […]

March 2, 2012


Changing Market Trends? February 2012 Kelowna Real Estate News

Looking for balanced 2012 Kelowna Market Update Kelowna is on the way to a more balanced market. We anticipate an improved 2012 with a steady increase in sales activity, downward trend for listing inventory, and stable home prices for balanced market conditions. Ongoing near record low interest rates will bring more first time buyers into […]

February 8, 2012


The Krieg Family Negotiating Deals – Kelowna Real Estate February 2012 RE/MAX [HD]

February 8, 2012


2011 in Review + How BC Assessment Affects Your Price

2011 Year in Review Kelowna Market Update We finished 2011 on a positive note and are enthusiastic for 2012. Like most other cities reported, Kelowna had a stronger second half of 2011 which helped us to not be the slowest year in home sales since 1984 (scroll down to see graph: Last 30 years). Our […]

January 12, 2012


How does BC Assessment affect my property value? [HD]

January 12, 2012

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