
Kelowna’s average house price could be $1 Million Dollars in 15 years!

Wolf and Colin Krieg discuss how Kelowna’s average price might be $1 Million Dollars soon.  They compare to Vancouvers market and the history since the 50s to see what Kelowna’s real estate market will bring in the coming years.

April 7, 2015


Big Surprise in February, Kelowna Real Estate

  February Real Estate News March 2015 In January we had the challenge with the snow but February 2015 levelled it out as one of the best in 8 years here in Kelowna for number of sales of single family homes and is 19% over the 10 year average. Compared to last year’s two first […]

March 13, 2015


Are houses in Kelowna going extinct? Real Estate

Wolf and Colin Krieg from RE/MAX Kelowna discuss the new trend of micro condos in Kelowna and how first time buyers and young people are flocking to strata units instead of single family homes more now than ever before.  Are homes going to go extinct?

February 19, 2015


Are Houses Going Extinct? Kelowna Real Estate

  January Real Estate News February 2014 January had a slow start and one of the reasons was our huge snowstorm at the beginning of the month. As you may remember there was not much moving and we lost about 1 week of activity in the real estate market. The big question remains, and the […]

February 19, 2015


2015 Forecast for Kelowna Real Estate

  2014 Real Estate News January 2015 2014 will go into history as one of the strongest years in total sales surpassed only by 2005 and 2007. Overall, 2014 saw an increase of 21.3% of units sold over 2013 and the Dollar volume was up by an amazing 31.6%. The inventory went down by 19% […]

January 13, 2015


Oil Prices & Real Estate in Kelowna

November Real Estate News December 2014 November was a great month for real estate, but we did not receive the same momentum we’ve had since spring; we will have to keep an eye on Alberta and the oil industry. 2014 will go into history as one of the strongest years in total sales, only surpassed by 2005 […]

December 11, 2014


Oil Prices and Kelowna Real Estate

Wolf and Colin Krieg discuss 2014 market and how it was substantially over the 20 year average most of the year, except for November. They decided that this could not be attributed to the recent oil prices. They spoke to realtors in Fort McMurray to compare to their market, which has slowed.

December 11, 2014


Kelowna’s Market Has Split – RE/MAX Kelowna

October Real Estate News November 2014 October was a strong month for Kelowna, one of the strongest ever. But we are seeing an interesting split happening. We have two different markets now that are split by price. Homes that are priced under $500,000 are in a sellers market with multiple offers and even over asking […]

November 14, 2014


What’s driving Kelowna’s surge in real estate

  This was the best September ever in the history of Kelowna. Just under 250 Single Family Dwellings sold and we saw the same great activity for condos. September Real Estate News October 2014 This was the BEST SEPTEMBER EVER in the history of Kelowna! Just under 250 Single Family Dwellings sold and we saw the same great activity  […]

October 9, 2014


What’s driving Kelowna’s Surge in Real Estate?

What is driving the surge of sales in Kelowna’s real estate? Wolf and Colin Krieg discuss single family, townhomes and apartments in Kelowna. They compared the percentage of properties that have sold in each style, as well as the most active price range. Colin identifies that 20% of the buyers are coming from Alberta, as […]

October 9, 2014


June 2014 Kelowna Real Estate News

June Real Estate Update Kelowna And Area Single Family Dwellings (SFD) Activity Watch the video here Thank you! We are so proud to have been voted Top 3 realtors in Kelowna, for the second year in a row! Kelowna is on a roll with the second month in a row of 20% of the homes […]

June 12, 2014


Are Kelowna Real Estate Prices Out of Control? [VIDEO]

Wolf Krieg and Colin Krieg discuss how Kelowna’s house, apartment and townhome market is now in a balanced market vs the buyers market is has been in for the past 7 years. They also discuss how first time and out of town buyers are driving the market right now. CMHC believes there will be upwards […]

June 12, 2014

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