Real estate stats for the Condo market in Kelowna, West Kelowna, Peachland and Lake Country
Kelowna Condo Stats
Welcome to the Kelowna Condo Market page! Here, you will find insightful data and graphs that showcase the trends and developments of Kelowna’s condo market over the past four years. Our analysis includes a comparison of the listing inventory and number of sales to the 10-year averages. Additionally, we have included a graph on the list-to-sell ratios, which provides valuable information on the balance between supply and demand and what type of market we are in. This page is designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of Kelowna’s condo market and provide you with the latest data and trends.
MOUSE INSTRUCTIONS: Hover over any data point for more information. Hovering over a year in the legend will isolate that year, or clicking it in the legend will hide/show that year.
TOUCH INSTRUCTIONS: Touch any data point for more information. Click any year in the legend to hide/show that year.